The weekend

I've been battling a crappy cold, aching body and sore throat for the last three days, so much of the weekend has been spent sleeping and watching the amazing series, "Breaking Bad" but late on Saturday afternoon we ventured out to the christmas market at Bærums Verk to get some christmas cheer (plus a delicious elk burger)
Winter seems to have gone away again and we are having lovely, mild weather compared to freezing temps and snow this time last year. Many people here are moaning cause they are keen to ski but I had enough snow last year to last me a lifetime so I'm more than thrilled with this mild November.
On another note, Norway has run out of butter just in time for christmas. There is not a pack of butter to be found in any supermarket which for me proves that it is ridiculous to have only one butter producing company in this entire country! It's about time Norway imported some decent butter from other countries..... (and just some good food in general!)


Trying to speak norwegian all day at work is the most exhausting thing I have ever done in my entire life, and to top it off I'm not sleeping well at the moment as I think my brain is having a hard time switching off at bed time and I'm finding myself wide awake at 3.37am. Uff!
Today it was so dark that it felt as though we never passed dawn which does not help with my tiredness. I need sun but until that returns I shall have to make do with a summery dinner, tea and brownies on the sofa watching the new series of Dexter.

Winter arrived this week and the mornings were -6c. We'd been pretty mild so it was a shock to the system at first but now I've accepted winter is here, unpacked all my winter gear and I'm embracing it!
My first week at my new job went very well, I'm loving being back at work. It's funny but I always quite fancied being a lady of leisure and not working, but in reality it's no fun. Having a job is important, so important. Being a kept woman is not all it's cracked up to be, in fact I hated it! I have worked since I was 19 so not having my own money has been pretty crap.
Living in the most expensive country in the world on one wage has not been easy but Henrik and I have managed brilliantly (mainly due to his great money management skills, not mine!)but we are now looking forward to being a two income house again (and the even better news is that my salary is 150% higher than it was in London!!!) Good times!
Enjoy the weekend!

Happy Monday

I woke up today and we have internet (we have been piggybacking off our landlords wi-fi, with permission and payment for the last 15 months but something changed and the signal stopped reaching down to our flat) Today it's on. Good, I missed it!
I switched my camera on yesterday and after 9 months of not working it came on and worked perfectly. Hmmmmm. What's going on? Am I having a bit of good luck? Job? yep! Internet? yes! camera working? ja!
Happy Monday indeed!
(Fathers day here yesterday and we treated Henriks folks to a seafood bonanza. It was delicious)

A catch up

We are still internet-less at home which is very irritating (there is only so much you can do on a small iphone screen..) so I'm now sitting in the library as I need to see things on a bigger screen!
So, whats been going on lately?
*Today was my last day on the norwegian course. I have finished 5 weeks early as, wait for it..... I have a job!!!! I shall begin working (for real money!) next week at the barnehage where I have been taking my språkpraksis. I am thrilled to be working there as it's such a nice place and everyone is so friendly! Result!
* After 15 months I have still not been granted family reunification, I'm still waiting to hear, only now it does not matter so much as by having a job I will finally be in the system here. It's been pretty scary to not really exist all this time, but now I'm a real person! woo hoo!
* We had a car crash the other week when a young boy came crashing into the back of the car, knocking off my super expensive new norwegian number plate! (I managed to salvage my most expensive purchase ever!)
*My english speaking is becoming bastardized by the norwegian language and I often find myself constructing an english sentence in a norwegian way (but strangely enough not the other way round, I'm still constructing a norwegian sentence in an english way.....ugh)
*It has been unseasonably warm for november and I'm hoping for a milder winter than last years shocker......
and Canal Digital if you are reading, please sort out our internet soon!