It was sooooo cold yesterday and when I just looked out at my window thermometer this morning it read -8c!!!! I have new long johns to wear under my jeans but I hate being all bundled up like that!
See the little Rorstrand bowl above? Well, at the Fleamarket on Saturday I asked how much it was (in English) the seller discussed the price quietly in Norwegian with someone else when I heard them say(in Norwegian) that I was English so they would charge me £8, I said "no thanks" and then sent Henrik over to ask the price (in Norwegian) and they told him it was £1!!!! Xenophobia, me thinks!!! Its not the first time I have experienced crap like this since moving to Norway, just earlier that day I argued with a man over a parking space and he told me (in English) "Shooo,Shooo, get out of Norway!" Ho,hum, at least I got the bowl for £1!!!!